Room Features
Room Features and Information
Minibar with LUXELIFE Compatible snacks
Click any snack on the tray or in the fridge to purchase a LUXELIFE compatible snacks you can take to go or eat in your room. Luxcoin and linden excepted.
Complimentary Room Service
Click the room service menu to rezz a complimentary tray of delicious LUXELIFE compatible room service food delivered by an animesh waiter, Select your meal desired from the menu and click the plate, drinks and utensils to attach LUXELIFE food. Once attached
Adult Bed Rezzer
Click the small black remote next to the bed to choose from the adult bed rezzer menu. Note, bed rezzed from rezzer are not LUXELIFE compatible and can take some time to load the large animation menus. Deluxe rooms have a larger selection of beds.
100% Privacy and Security
Click the L Security button on the wall next to the self check in Ipad and you will be able to access the parcel security for your room. Every room is a 100% private parcel with visual and voice privacy enabled. and arming security insures you can control who enters even within 1 sec of ejection by selecting lockdown mode.
Self Check - In
Rent on your on time by simply right clicking clicking the ipad in the room and selecting pay to rent. You will immediately be sent your Luxe LA Hotel Gust Tag and be ready to start enjoying your LA Vacation! An Ipad that says available is an open room. An Ipad that says rented is unavailable to rent.